Reiki Certification Classes

Reiki is a healing technique from Japan that was developed by Mikao Usui Sensei in the early 1920’s. Today reiki classes are taught and used world-wide to help people heal lingering trauma in themselves and others.  It is a safe, non-invasive, non-natural method of healing that relaxes the body, mind and spirit.  Reiki Certification and Attunements are received in each level. A 30 min 1:1 session is also included with each course.

Anyone Can Learn

Experience the Instant Benefits of Reiki!

  1. Calms your mind & Reduces Anxiety

  2. Can alleviate physical symptoms of pain or fatigue in the body

  3. Gives one a new sense of direction and hope

  4. Creates a new healthy rhythm in your daily routines

  5. Increases creativity and intuition

  6. Increases your energy levels

  7. Shifts your mindset from negative self-talk to positive self-talk

How is Reiki taught?

How is Reiki taught online?

Reiki is taught by Reiki Master Teacher Reece Leonetti virtually and consists of following along with the provided student manual, and on-line training videos, including instructions, guided meditations, visualizations, muscle testing and long-distance Reiki attunements for each level. (Reiki attunement, also referred to as initiation, is an energetic experience that opens up your pathways to be a clear channel for giving and receiving Reiki energy.)

Reiki works long distance and travels through time and space. This is how Attunements can be sent virtually - long distance. The Reiki attunement is programed and sent by the instructor to be received by the student. Students will feel the same effects with virtual attunements as they would with in-person attunements if they follow the instructions and complete the course work and assignments included. Students will receive a 30 min one-on-one session with Reiki Master Reece for each level. This session will be scheduled as a Zoom Video Meeting.

To register for an on-line class, please make a payment by clicking on REGISTER and you will receive a welcome email with instructions from Reece Leonetti, your Reiki Master Instructor. On-line classes are on demand and can be done at your own pace.

Once you make your purchase you will receive a confirmation email and follow-up details. If you would like to pay cash or if you have questions please email Reece directly:

Reiki Level 1 Course

  • Learn the history of Usui Reiki

  • Learn the foundations of the chakras and how they correspond to a Reiki treatment.

  • If you are reading this, you are more than likely an empath. In this course you will learn how to better protect your energy field by establishing better energetic boundries.

  • Learn how to let go of the past and step into your future with more peace and clarity.

  • Learn how to give your food reiki and how to balance the foods you choose by reviewing food and their correspondence to the color wheel.

  • Learn how to establish a meditation practice and work with your breath to move energy through your body.

  • You will learn how to use a pendulum and your body as a pendulum and how to muscle test your own or others chakras.

  • You will learn basic Qi Gong and tapping exercises to help you with a daily clearing practice. Qi Gong and tapping can drastically remove blocks that are holding you back.

  • You will learn how to give Reiki to yourself, plants and animals.

  • You will receive your Reiki Level 1 Attunement with a guided meditation. Attunements are known to drastically release blocks to help you transform quickly to become the best version of yourself.

Reiki Level 2 Course

  • You will learn how to draw and use the Reiki symbols to intensify your Reiki treatments. The symbols are to be shared only with Reiki students. They are kanji or sanskrit symbols that have been used for many years by Reiki practitioners all over the world and are only activated when one is attuned to Reiki by a Reiki Master Teacher.

  • Due to outside environmental factors our energies can become unbalanced. If you are easily affected by outside influences, then learning how to balance your own chakras is vital to learning how to do Reiki on others. You will also learn how to balance your clients chakras.

  • You will learn the Reiki hand positions and how to do a full Reiki treatment on others. You will learn tools to help you channel the Reiki energy effectively and clearly.

  • You will be guided on rituals for energy protection. You will take away tools that will help you retain your own energy and prevent other energies from coming into your energy field.

  • You will learn how to incorporate sound healing into a Reiki session

  • You will learn how to incorporate crystal healing into a Reiki session

  • You will learn how to incorporate affirmations into a Reiki session to powerfully shift old blocks.

  • You will receive recorded guided mediations to help you become more centered and grounded on your Reiki journey.

  • You will receive your Reiki Level 2 Attunments and Certificate.

Reiki Level 3 Course

  • You will learn how to heal with advanced techniques that work to powerfully cut cords and help your clients to move forward in life.

  • You will learn additional symbols for healing sessions as well as symbols for prosperity.

  • You will learn about the human organs, which organ corresponds with which emotion, and how to cleanse and balance the organs with Reiki.

  • You will learn how Reiki works long distance and how to perform a long distance Reiki treatment.

  • You will learn how to do a Reiki session via a proxy. You can perform Reiki on a person without them being in the same room with you. You will learn how Reiki travels through time and space.

  • You will learn how to set up your alter and prepare your crystal grid. Your Reiki crystal grid works to send Reiki to yourself or others while you are away.

  • You will be guided on meditations and learn new techniques to help yourself and your clients to shift to a new level of self-awareness.

  • You will receive your Reiki Level 3 Attunements and certificate.