Destination Retreats are Life Altering

Destination retreats revitalize the soul! Find out how.

Destination Retreats are Life Altering

Embarking on a journey to a destination yoga or wellness retreat offers more than just a temporary escape from life. It provides an opportunity for profound transformation, both physically, mentally, and spiritually. They can be truly life-changing experiences. I speak from my own personal experiences.

There are many reasons why people seek out destination retreats such as wanting to escape to a warm climate in the midst of a grey, dreary, cold winter, or wanting to connect with like-minded people, looking to develop new friendships, wanting to deepen their Yoga or spiritual practice, hoping to lose weight or kick-start their healthy life-style habits....there are many reasons!

My first destination retreat was in 2010. I had just moved to Denver, Colorado from Los Angeles after completing acupuncture school and found a yoga studio I enjoyed. The teacher announced the retreat they were hosting in Costa Rica at the end of class, and in an instant, I knew that I was going. I did not have the money at the time since I was a new graduate and just starting my business in a new city, but I knew that it was my destiny to be at that retreat. Has this ever happened to you, and you ignored this impulse because it was irrational or not logical? If I had ignored my impulse and gone against my instincts, I probably wouldn't be writing this article right now! 

My point is that when you feel called to join a retreat, please listen to that calling! Since I joined the 2010 retreat in Costa Rica I have since attended several other retreats and have hosted my own retreats to Mexico and Sedona, AZ. Once you attend or host a retreat, there is no turning back. They are truly life-altering for everyone in attendance in so many ways. 

So, what happens at a retreat? It depends on the type of retreat you are choosing to attend. There are many different types of retreats such as: religious retreats, Yoga retreats, Reiki retreats, Women's, and Men's retreats, you dream it and it exists! Retreats are created by their organizers to manifest a group of people to share an impactful experience with one another. Sometimes people will sign up with a friend to go to a retreat or others may go alone without knowing anyone else who is attending the retreat. In most cases there is a mix of people who know one another and others that know no one in attendance, but by the end of the 5 to 7 days, you feel like you have known one another for a lifetime. There is a special bond that happens at retreats. When people come together to learn, grow, or heal with one another a vortex of energy opens to allow so much magic to happen. 

Here are a few tips to choosing the best retreat for you:

1) Trust your gut! If you keep feeling the need to sign up but don't know how you can make it work, reach out to the instructor or organizer. A lot of times there are payment plans or there may even be a way to barter some of your retreat fees with volunteering to help at the retreat, etc.

2) Do your research. Check out the location of the retreat online. Look up reviews of the venue where the retreat will be held and gauge if it feels comfortable to you.

3) If you don’t already, get to know the retreat host/s. Set up a consultation or informational call with them. Interview them to see if their teaching style and the energy they bring to the conversation is the right fit for you. After speaking to the hosts and getting some of your questions answered you should know if this is the right retreat for you.

What to expect from a retreat? A deeper connection with yourself and others, an awakened sense of creativity and enthusiasm about life, a more positive outlook on life, newly formed life-long friendships, a feeling of belonging in the world, and the list goes on and on.

If you would like to learn more about retreats or Body Mind Energy Center, LLC and their coaching, wellness services, or destination retreats they are offering, please reach out to Reece at


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